Arkansas Health Network (AHN) is a physician-driven, clinically integrated network initiative serving over 134,000 patients across the state of Arkansas. AHN is led by a board comprised of independent and CHI St. Vincent employed physicians, administrative leaders and community representatives. The AHN board and other physicians have participated in numerous committees leading to its development.
The organizational structure of AHN ensures that physicians will lead the design and use of new clinical systems and that the network will provide a vehicle for participation in new payment models involving shared savings programs, bundled payments, and other initiatives focused on quality and value.
Participating providers will collaborate to enhance the quality, lower the cost and improve the efficiency of health care services for patients. It will also provide a strong platform for success in today’s changing health care payment and delivery environments. Collaboration between AHN’s participating providers, advanced care management team, and other partnering organizations will result in higher value care delivery that will benefit patients, local and national payors, and employer clients. Furthermore, this network is designed to offer opportunities to providers to earn compensation in addition to their regular fees through shared savings and other initiatives that will improve quality and enhance value for patients.
Arkansas Health Network and CHI St. Vincent have committed significant resources to ensure that AHN can work with a variety of payers. AHN will access and provide clinical and technical resources including advanced information technology, data analytics, and other tools to facilitate care coordination and to expedite network implementation and success. By working together, the AHN network of participating providers can implement these and other systems more efficiently and in a more coordinated manner than individual providers could on their own.
We look forward to working with you to provide excellent, high-quality care as the health care landscape changes and payment opportunities begin to be based on improving patients’ health and controlling costs.

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